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Writer's pictureLexi Mohney

Can I Attract My Goals & Dreams?

How to use the Law of Attraction to make your life amazing

As someone who ascribes to some of the teachings in The Secret and the Law of Attraction, this week has been wild and busy and everything I was asking for.

It's like as soon as I made a decision, the floodgates opened and things conspired to make the decision final and solid. For that, I am grateful.

I bring this up because I find that, as creatives, we are blessed with ease and fluidity and the ability to move about from plan to plan because nothing is truly grounded or solid.

For those of you unfamiliar with The Secret and the Law of Attraction, the way it works is that things come to you and work for you if you put focus on them. These things can be both positive or negative depending on the energy you back them with, too.

For example, say you want a job and you find the perfect one. The energy you put behind that could either be deep excitement for the new opportunity and position, or it could be worry, fear, and unworthiness that you might not get it even though you really want it. By the Law of Attraction, the person who holds positive feelings/thoughts/energy towards the thing they desire is going to be the person more likely to get it.

Three years ago, Carnal Knowledge was published, but I'd been trying to write a book (any book) for years. It wasn't until I made a point and made the space that a book actually came out of me and I managed to get to a place where I had a ready manuscript.

And this is true even today. I've been debating on writing this book idea I have in either parts that I publish as a collection or as a full novel. I've also been waffling between different project as I can't seem to keep my head in one idea for too long.

I'm thinking, much like with CK and the decision to get in my car and drive until I had a finished book, I need to decide on the next book I want to get done and let the energy come to me to ensure that desire actually gets fulfilled.

So, how does this relate to writing and publishing?

Well, when we sit down to write something, we should always back it with the right intentions. That could look like a person you're writing the book for, a reason you want to be an author, what you want to use the money for that you make off of your book once it's published, etc. The clearer you get with yourself and the direction you want your work to go, the better off you'll be and the more likely whatever you're aiming at will come to fruition.

This is also so important when it comes to the people who surround you and the opinions/thoughts they have about your work and direction. If you have too many negative thoughts surrounding you, you are less likely to achieve and end up in the direction of your goals and dreams because they will inevitably weigh you down.

So, here's to surrounding ourselves with people who lift us up and support us. And here's to getting ourselves in the headspace of success!


For more quick writing tips, follow Lexi on Instagram! We are also hosting interview opportunities for published and aspiring authors on Courage's Instagram. If you're interested in chatting with Lexi about your work, please send us a message!


Lexi Mohney is a human being working on bettering her life and the lives of other human beings, too. There is no better time than the present to make a connection or two and share in what it means to be a part of this global community and foster hope in every way we can. Here's to a more united future for us all. On professional terms, Lexi is an award-winning author, a book coach who has taken her clients to the bestseller list, and a publisher. You can find her work in the shop or on Please reach out to her with any questions you have about writing or the publishing world. She would love to hear from you!

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