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Writer's pictureLexi Mohney

Literary Trends That Need To Change

Have you come across trends in the literary world that seem like they need an update? Me too!

Since I began my own writing journey over three years ago now, I have learned more than I every thought possible. While I knew that I would grow in this profession, I had no idea just how much and what a long journey it is for brand new authors and unpublished writers.

Amazingly, though the journey may seem endless to some, there are things that can be learned and acquired to make it all easier. This is a short list of things I've discovered since becoming an author, coach and publisher that may aid you in your journey to becoming a published author.

Spend money on an editor

It doesn't matter if you are planning on going the trade publishing route or not, this piece is vital to establishing even a marginally successful book. And I know they can be expensive, but if you think about it, a $1000 manuscript with a two week turnaround is only $500/week, which is below the average salary for many. Editors are important to your manuscript because they can see things in your writing that you are way too close to notice. Often, they are trained with an education to back up their expertise and will have a list of successful books they've worked on in the past to prove their worth. If you do nothing else on this list, please do this one thing before publishing (especially if you are self publishing).

Line up your goals for your authorship

Silly as it may seem, it's actually a good thing to write out your dreams. When you have a clear understanding of the path you want to take, it makes it easier to take the necessary steps to get there. For example, say your goal is to self publish which results in a trade publishing contract down the line. What are the things you need to do to your manuscript so that it will be more widely accessible, easily noticed, and the type of read that is worth a publishing contract? Do you need to treat your work as if a publishing company is working on it already? Yes. Will you need to set aside money to afford some of the things required to accomplish this, like a professional cover designer and editor? Probably yes. Get real with your desires so that you don't end up prematurely publishing and the disappointed when your dreams don't come true down the line.

One-time manuscript publishing should be your M.O.

This may seem like news to some, but there is a going trend of new authors publishing their manuscripts before they're ready, unpublishing them when the books don't achieve the success the author was looking for, and then republishing them after some edits were made. And they will do this again and again in hopes that the spaghetti will eventually stick to the wall. Let me tell you, this is an enormous pet peeve of mine and absolutely something that no one should do ever. It's different if you want to leave the original published work up and then create a new edition of it at a later time, but putting out the same piece and hoping for different results just isn't going to cut it. My rule of thumb is you put it out once and done. If it wasn't ready, that's horrible, but you can try again with another book. It is unfair to the readers that already have the crappiest version of the work to then have to get the newer version just because you messed up and put the book out prematurely. A publishing company wouldn't do that to your work, therefore you shouldn't do that to your work.

Do your research before you sign contracts/pay money

Slimy scammers are a huge global problem and they effect everyone, including authors. New authors especially are prone to getting caught up in fake publishing companies or dealing with fake editors when just a little bit of research and a quick internet search could save a lot of people a lot of trouble. Make sure you have trusted parties look over any contracts and that you have deals in writing before money is exchanged.

Market before you launch

I know this one seems like a bit of a no brainer, but it is amazing how many authors (even the seasoned ones) don't market and hope their work will just speak for itself. Here's the thing, the more people you can get to buy it on launch, the more likely it'll get recognition on a bestseller's list somewhere, and the higher your chance that the algorithms will pick it up and start promoting it to people who have no connection to you whatsoever. Now, many of you might think this requires some capital to take care of, but it doesn't have to! If you have a daily social media posting routine, start putting out content people are interested in, occasionally speak about your work, and use your hashtags, eventually the web algorithms like that and will start promoting your posts to others, as well. Sure, it takes time, but that is money in your pocket later, and who doesn't like that?

While the list is long and there are many more things to consider than the handful I have listed here, I highly recommend taking a look at genre-specific blogs to see current trends, get involved with literary podcasts, and spend some time honing your skills as a deeply enthusiastic person because everyone deserves to know about your work, and they should want to get excited about it with you!


For more quick writing tips, follow Lexi on Instagram!


Lexi Mohney is a human being working on bettering her life and the lives of other human beings, too. There is no better time than the present to make a connection or two and share in what it means to be a part of this global community and foster hope in every way we can. Here's to a more united future for us all. On professional terms, Lexi is an award-winning author, a book coach who has taken her clients to the bestseller list, and a publisher. You can find her work in the shop or on Please reach out to her with any questions you have about writing or the publishing world. She would love to hear from you!

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