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Start Off the New Year Right: Helpful Tools for Beginner Writers

Another year has come and gone.

Each year presents a new opportunity for growth and investments in new things. We are reminded of the passing of time and motivated to start working towards those pesky, back-of-the-mind goals.

What do you want to invest your time in next year? Do you want to learn a new skill? Get healthier and more balanced in some way? Finish that first draft of your first novel.

All things are possible through action. Here we will discuss four possible actions you can take into the new year to accomplish your writing or other specific goals.

1. Setting small goals for the journey

My best friend Garrett recently said, "Don't set goals with an endpoint. Don't say, 'I'm going to lose fifty pounds.' Set a goal like, 'I'm going to run a mile three times a week.'" And he is right, we should set goals for habits, not endpoints. Set a goal for the journey, not the finish line.

So how can we translate this into a metaphor for writing? Instead of setting a goal such as, "I have to write 150,000 words by this date," try creating a goal that describes the journey to that goal. "I am going to write 1,000 words a day or for one hour on weekdays." Make it a small stepping stone to the grander goal.

2. Invest time

It is no secret that writing takes time. Sitting down for even an hour a day helps build the skills and creates a habit of writing. But there are other ways of investing your time as well. Say you need a break from writing; sit down and pull out a book.

As Stephen King said, "If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things that I'm aware of, no shortcut." I call this writing research if I feel like I should have been writing but picked up a book instead. And there is no shame to be had, so be nice to yourself.

Also, remember there are many free resources out there for beginner writers. Publishing companies are evolving into an authorly forward process and are offering more free services than ever. Here at Courage Publishing, we offer free one-hour video consultations with our award-winning author and CEO, Lexi Mohney. You can learn more about these free consultations on our Services Page.

3. Invest money

I got a really thoughtful gift this year from my grandparents. They gave each of us kids an envelope with money and a Christmas card with a request inside. We are supposed to spend the money on something we would not normally buy for ourselves and then send them a picture of us with whatever we bought. I thought this was a brilliant gift idea because their gift will be unique to every individual, and let's face it, we don't typically spend money on ourselves if we can help it.

What is something you might want to invest a little money in this year? Maybe you would like to know more about marketing and how to sell your work. Or maybe you have a second draft done and would like some help with editing the book. There are a lot of resources out there from freelance editors, publishers, and book coaches that can help you accomplish your goals for a small fee.

Did you know you can even invest in accountability? Courage Publishing has this awesome accountability coaching available for only $10. Their goal is to keep you on track and achieve what you set out to accomplish. They offer check-ins at a pace that is comfortable for you with milestones you create for yourself. And if you don't make your goal, they help you with more attainable next steps. Learn more about our unique accountability coaching HERE.

4. Join a community

If you don't want to spend any money and you want to connect with others, join a community. Find a book club or author group near you or start your own. You would be surprised at how many share similar goals in life.

Introverted at heart? Join an online community or group that brainstorms writing ideas together. Whatever you feel most comfortable with, belonging to a group of like-minded individuals is good for the soul.

Join Lexi's Facebook group Writers for Writers to connect with your writing peers. Find a friend and swap manuscripts for a read. Do what you can to surround yourself with people who have an interest in supporting your goals. And support others' goals! We are all in this together!

Another year has passed and it is up to us if we want to accomplish what we set out to do. You don't need to do all of the above actions but adding any one of them to your daily routine will help you take that first step.

All of us at Courage Publishing thank you for an incredible 2022 and look forward to working with you in 2023 and seeing what we create and inspire.


We are always looking to work with published and aspiring authors. If you're interested in learning more about Courage Publishing, send us an email!


Stay tuned for more articles, announcements, and events regarding Courage Publishing by subscribing to our email! You can also schedule a free consultation for book coaching with our award-winning author and CEO, Lexi Mohney.


Breanna Bartels is a creative exploring all her new interests in life. She is an avid book lover and a photographer and videographer with her own company, Breanna Bartels Creative Studio.

In the spaces between art and work, she is venturing into writing. She prefers a used book to a new one and has fanatical plans to own a used bookstore one day. When she isn't home attempting some new venture, she enjoys camping and hiking with her husband, Danny, and their two dogs. Reach out to her for creative opportunities or to discuss a good book!

You can find her many projects here.

Follow her and her many creative endeavors on Instagram or Facebook.

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