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Is Publishing All It's Cracked Up To Be?

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

We're coming up on a year since publishing Survive, and we're looking forward to publishing The Dark Stirs coming soon, but what is it like to publish from both the author's and publisher's perspective?

Honestly, when I started my journey to writing a book, I knew publishing was in my future. I didn't know what kind of publishing, but it worked out to be self publishing in the end.

Thankfully, with tools like KDP and Goodreads, it's really easy to get your books out there on your own and promote them. Marketing is a cinch when you have the communities to foster your growth and you're actively putting yourself out there along with your work.

I'm also to grateful to have the opportunity to publish other authors' works. The joy of making other people's dreams come true is beyond measure. But there are definitely things that I've learned through both processes that I couldn't have known without actually going through them. So, here I am to impart my wisdom onto you!

First, I would like to say that if your goal is to write and publish a book, you should absolutely do so. No matter what publishing method you decide to go through, the end result of being an author and getting to hold your book in your hands is immeasurable.

Things that can help you as you move into publishing are as follows:

–Market as much and as often as possible. Even if it seems counter intuitive to start marketing your work before it's even published, if your goal is to be published by a publishing house, it will help you get into a good one. On top of that, if you are self publishing, it will help add to your sales and get the word out for your book to a wider readership.

–Use both professional editors and beta readers to better your writing. It's interesting to note that many first-time authors don't let anyone read their work before it is sent off for publishing, and I will tell you right now that that is a mistake. Not only will you grow as a writer by getting early feedback about your work, but you also have the added benefit of gaining more readers later on because your writing is peer sourced and generally better than when you started.

–Do your research about the different types of publishing and the publishers who contact you. 99% of the reputable publishers out there will not solicit an author for their work. Hybrid publishers are the only ones who charge authors for publishing and most of the time it's really just self publishing with flourish. And if you work with an agent, they will know the best publishers to work with to get you the most success.

Whatever your publishing experience, be sure to touch base with other authors. Listen to their experiences and make connections to see what might come of the connections.

And if you need additional information, feel free to ask anyone in the industry who has the experience and may be able to help you.

Best on your journey to authorship!


For more quick writing tips, follow Lexi on Instagram! We are also hosting interview opportunities for published and aspiring authors on Courage's Instagram. If you're interested in chatting with Lexi about your work, please send us a message!


Lexi Mohney is a human being working on bettering her life and the lives of other human beings, too. There is no better time than the present to make a connection or two and share in what it means to be a part of this global community and foster hope in every way we can. Here's to a more united future for us all. Professionally, Lexi is an award-winning author, a book coach who has taken her clients to the bestseller list, and a publisher. You can find her work in the shop or on Please reach out to her with any questions you have about writing or the publishing world. She would love to hear from you!

1 comentari

John Wallman
John Wallman
11 de nov. de 2021

Coming from the educational world and having read books and articles about authors and their works, I never really got a good feel for the publishing side of the writing process. As I told you and Clem once in a meeting, I had this fantasy (or wishful hope) that I could finish a draft, turn it over to you. You all would work your publishing magic and — SHAZAM! — my book is published! Nope! Drafting the book is the easy part! Publishing The Dark Stirs through COURAGE AFTER DARK is the best decision I made—or, perhaps I should say, CAD accepting my manuscript has been a blessing. You, Lexi, have been a calm guide through this storm of re-“vision…


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